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Reading Booklets for learners

About the Reading booklets

We at the Center for Learning and Assessment Development - Asia (CLAD-Asia) and Support for Education Resource Initiative (SERI), developed a set of instructional resource for learners given their reading level in English. The reading levels are determined after the administration of a rapid assessment on literacy:


  • Beginning readers - Teaches learners alphabets and their sounds until blending consonants and vowels. Patterned on synthetic phonics approach (also for full and moderate refreshers in the CRLA).


  • Emerging Readers - Begins with words families with basic sight words, reading phrases with word families and sight words (fluency), decoding with consonant clusters and digraphs, decoding with long vowel sounds, vowel digraphs, and dipthongs. Patterned on the Fuller approach (also for light refreshers and grade level ready in the CRLA).


  • Full Readers - Teaches learners with different metacomprehension strategies for stories and information text. Patterned on models of reading metacognition.

Download the proposal for the booklet here.

Check out the Rapid Assessment here

Message us at or 09162424008 to avail the booklets 

Get in touch so we can start working together.

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