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CLAD-Asia envisions itself to be the prime organization in Asia to use science and technology in conducting research, assessment, training, consultancy, and be frontiers in integrating education, psychology, and human resource theories to practice.




To contribute to the nation building by providing quality resources, and opportunities for the continuous learning and development of students and professionals.




1. Develop tools and resources that are appropriate for learners and professionals,

2. Conduct and publish research, on educational and organizational development.

3. Provide educational and human resource consultancies to educational institutions, organizations, and companies.

4. Conduct trainings and seminars for students and professionals  who are in need for continuous development.


Services Offered


1.  Research

  • Maintain an international journal for teachers, and other researchers who subscribes to the tests and products of the company who wants to publish their researches

  • Engage in community building by expanding and publishing research 


2.  Assessment

  • Be a frontier in developing tools and materials that will help the industry’s productivity and students’ learning;

  • Resource for Educational Assessment Dynamics-Industry (READ-i)

  • Resource for Educational Assessment Dynamics- Student (READ-s)


3. Training

  • Organize conferences for teachers, students, and other professionals

  • Conduct seminars for teachers, students, and other professionals

  • Hold review/coaching sessions for LET, Psychometrician, Psychology Board Exam takers, DCAT, UPCAT, ACET


4.  Consultancies

  • Conduct organizational analysis for schools, industries, and other organizations

  • Develop programs for schools, industries, and other organization

  • Program Evaluation

  • Curriculum Development

  • Test Construction (i.e. entrance tests) 

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