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Other Tests

Japanese Calligraphy

Different tests can be used for different purposes:

  • Diagnostic – improve instruction

  • Achievement  - determine effectiveness of the delivery of the curriculum

  • Admission – screen students background knowledge for further assistance

  • Academic program development – remediation, tutorial

  • Placement/career development – for SHS and college programs

  • Guidance program – information for social and emotional development

Light Bulb

Scholastic and Mental Ability Test

Click here for details

•Used to determine examinees’ cognitive capacity

•Determines ability as a general factor

•Determine ability and maximum potential

•Versions: High school, college, adults

•Composed to 2 factors

·       Verbal

·       Numerical

Jewelry Accessories

Aptitude Test

Click here for details

•This test is used to determine the aptitude of students for placement, program entry, and ability assessment.

•Versions: K-3, high school, college, adults


·       Number and letter series

·       Progressive series

·       Visual discrimination

·       Syllogism

·       Word Analogy

·       Figure and ground perception

·       Object assembly

·       Surface development

Open Books

Critical Thinking Test

Click here for details

•This test measures the ability to recognize the existence of problems and an acceptance of the general need for evidence in support of what is asserted to be true, and knowledge of the nature of valid inferences.

•Versions: English (adults), Filipino (high school-college)




–Evaluation of arguments

Recognition of assumption

Lotus Pose

Mental Health Checklist

Click here for details

•A mental health inventory for high school students that measure their well-being.

•The instrument is anchored on the PERMA model by Seligman.

•The results of the PERMA can be used to further develop guidance and classroom interventions to further support the well-being of your students.


·       Positive emotions

·       Engagement

·       Relationship

·       Meaning

·       Accomplishments


Personality Markers

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•The subscales measure personality based on the big 5 factors

•Version: High School, college, adults

•Factors: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion,  Agreeableness, and Emotional Stability

Holding Hands

Social and Emotional Learning Scale (SEL-S)

Click here for details.

Used by teachers, guidance counselors, school leaders other school personnel, and other stakeholders

Information about the SEL competencies of a learner, can further provide ways to build positive interactions within the classroom and school climate, foster achievement behaviors like managing thinking, emotion, grades, prosocial behaviors and self-regulation.


Used to determine the learners’

·       ways to manage their emotions,

·       strategies to learn,

·       prosocial skill,

·       respect for others,

·       confidence,

·       perseverance and

·       mindset

Chess Pieces Close-up

Academic Learning Strategy Scale

Click here for details

•This scale determines the learning strategy of students

•Inform student advising programs and helping students to become better learners

•Provides information in assisting students having difficulties in their subjects

•Version: High school, college


·       memory strategy

·       goal-setting

·       self-evaluation

·       seeking assistance

environmental structuring

Orange Socks

Basic Interest Markers

Click here for details

•This inventory is used to assess career interest of students.

•Version: High school and college


·       Realistic

·       Investigative

·       Artistic

·       Social

·       Enterprising

·       Conventional

Therapy Session

Inventory for School Motivation

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•This is inventory determines student’s motivation to learning

•Version: High school, college

•Measures the following domains:

·       Task

·       Effort

·       Competition

·       Social power

·       Affiliation

·       Social concern

·       Praise

·       Token

You may send your queries for this assessment package at

You may also call us at 09176070823 or (02) 79101456

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