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Standards and Indicators for Flexible Learning Delivery


Center for Learning and Assessment Development-Asia (CLAD-Asia)


The standards on flexible learning are created to ensure the quality delivery of the teaching and learning process across various modes of instruction. Education needs to be accessible for all learners who are unable to attend the physical classroom due to constraints such as distance, calamities, disasters, cultural practice, attending to means of livelihood, disability, and pandemic. At different forms of learning delivery, schools and academic institutions need to ensure the quality of all aspects of education and this set of standards serve as a guide.


The standards are organized within the continuum of two dimensions, online or offline and face to face and distance. The online and offline continuum is a means of delivering the contents of learning while the face to face and remote/distance refers to the distance of the learning to the physical school setting. The intersection of content delivery and distance dimension produces four variants of the teaching and the learning process (see figure 1).
















There are four aspects that vary in the teaching and learning aspect across the four quadrants of flexible learning.  This includes the approach to learning, pedagogy involved, model of presenting the learning material, the teacher and/or facilitator, and how learners’ progress is monitored.


In the first quadrant, the delivery is online through face to face interaction. This involves integrating technology on certain lessons while other lessons are delivered via face to face (blended learning). In this scenario, the teacher facilitates the learning process. This is the usual approach where the teacher is present inside the classroom. There are several standards available in this set-up and this will not be covered in this report.


In the second quadrant, the delivery of the lesson can be pure online and the learner is based at home or in a setting far from the school due to defined constraints. In this case, technology is integrated in most of the lessons. The pedagogy is also blended where various combination of strategies are facilitated though an online mode. In this scenario, the facilitator of learning would be the parent, guardian, tutor or any adult who can assist the learner. It is possible for the teacher to monitor the learner at scheduled times through any forms of communication. In this aspect, the structure of the teaching and learning is not too much controlled by the school. Standards are provided in this article for delivery mode.


In the third quadrant, the learning is facilitated by the teacher in the school setting and the learning resources are provided offline (i. e. printed). An example of the learning resource would be a learning module that facilities the learning process. The usual pedagogies are implemented here by the teacher who is physically present in the classroom setting. There are numerous available standards for this quadrant that includes teaching competencies and frameworks for the teaching and learning process. This report will not cover standards for this quadrant.


The fourth quadrant involved the learner at a remote location and the lessons are provided via offline (i. e. printed) or can be accessed in a given source. The approach here is described by the interaction of the learner and the printed material. The facilitator of learning here can be the parents, guardian, tutor or any qualified adult, and even the learning material itself. The adults who assist the learner are guided by the pedagogy presented in the learning material. The teacher can visit or sends an offline feedback for the learner’s progress. This aspect of flexible learning is provided with standards in this report.


The standards are categorized into four aspects that refer to the second and fourth quadrant of flexible learning: (1) Learning resources (online and offline lessons/modules), (2) Learning delivery (pedagogy and facilitation), (3) Role of parents/guardians and tutors, and (4) Monitoring and evaluating flexible learning. These four aspects are selected because they vary depending on the delivery of content (online or offline) and distance (face to face or remote).


These standards were generated based on interviews and discussions with teachers who implements flexible learning, teachers who use learning management systems to deliver their lessons, observations of teachers during workshops on making online lessons and modules, reported experiences of learners in using modules and online resources, and content analysis of available materials pertaining to flexible learning that includes lesson plans, modules, guidelines from the Department of Education, and Commission on Higher Education.


Standard 1.  Learning Resources


1.1 Learning resources online

Application Software

1.1.1  Provision of a Learning Management System (LMS) that will run at minimum mbps.

1.1.2  Provision of a LMS that contains all subjects for a level.

1.1.3  The LMS allows text, illustrations, video, interaction between learners, interaction with the teacher, and interaction with the material.

1.1.4  The LMS enables the teacher to put, adjust, and edit contents appropriate for the learner.


1.1.5  The lesson on the LMS is structured around the learning targets (objectives, learning competencies, and/or outcomes.

1.1.6  The lessons made use of the prescribed curriculum with acceptable and agreed standards of learning.

1.1.7  The requirements and assessment are anchored on the learning targets specified.

Parts and function

1.1.8  Begins with the learning target (objectives, learning competencies, and/or outcomes) that makes learners become aware of what to learn.

1.1.9  The learners are assessed at the beginning of the lesson to determine their initial knowledge on the lesson.

1.1.10  The learners determine immediately their performance on the lesson through a score or feedback.

1.1.11   A connection from the previous lesson to the new lesson is provided.

1.1.12  The lesson proper follows a teaching strategy and/or pedagogical flow.

1.1.13  Each phase of the pedagogy or strategy is clearly evident.

1.1.14  Formative assessment is interjected at various points of the pedagogy.

1.1.15  Supplementary instructions are provided to clarify or reteach the lesson.

1.1.15  The results of the formative assessment can be seen by the learners.

1.1.17  The results of the formative assessment can be viewed by the teacher.

1.1.18  The LMS can accommodate performance-based tasks.

1.1.19  The rubric is made available for performance-based tasks.

1.1.20  Summative assessment is provided at the end of the lesson.

1.1.21  The lesson and activities can be accomplished by the learner at minimum supervision.


1.1.22  The contents of the lesson is a combination of multimedia (text, illustration, infographics, tables, charts, graphs, video, webcam) for various types of learners.

1.1.23  The sequence of the lesson from the objectives, lesson proper and assessment is continuous within the same page.

1.1.24 All the necessary resources needed for one lesson is present and can be accessed within the same page/window.

1.1.25  Questions are provided to check for students understanding when presenting lengthy contents.

1.1.26 The content flow of the lesson avoids opening too many windows, downloading, and clicking hyperlinks that veer away from the present page.

1.1.27 The language used is appropriate for the grade level.   

1.1.28  The instructions contained in the lesson communicates clearly to the learner.

1.1.29  The contents are free of errors.

1.1.30  The contents are reviewed and validated before uploaded.


1.2 learning resources offline (printed module)


1.2.1  Provided on time before the beginning of the school year.

1.1.2  All subjects for a level are provided with the module.

1.1.3  Contains text, illustrations, how to access video, instructions for interaction between learners, interaction with the teacher, and interaction with the material.


1.2.4  The lesson in the module is structured around the learning targets (objectives, learning competencies, and/or outcomes.

1.2.5  The lessons made use of the prescribed curriculum with acceptable and agreed standards of learning.

1.2.6  The requirements and assessment are anchored on the learning targets specified.

Parts and function

1.2.7  Begins with the learning target (objectives, learning competencies, and/or outcomes) that makes learners become aware of what to learn.

1.2.8  The learners are assessed at the beginning of the lesson to determine their initial knowledge on the lesson.

1.2.9  The learners can determine their performance on the lesson through feedback.

1.2.10   A connection from the previous lesson to the new lesson is provided.

1.2.11  The lesson proper follows a teaching strategy and/or pedagogical flow.

1.2.12  Each phase of the pedagogy or strategy is clearly evident.

1.2.13  Formative assessment is interjected at various points of the pedagogy.

1.2.14  Learners are referred to supplementary references to clarify or reteach the lesson.

1.2.15  The results of the formative assessment is provided to the learners.

1.2.16  The results of the formative assessment is checked by the teacher.

1.2.17  A variety of assessment tasks appropriate to the learning target is provided (i. e. written or performance-based tasks).

1.2.18  The rubric is made available for performance-based tasks.

1.2.19  Summative assessment is provided at the end of the lesson.

1.2.20  The lesson and activities can be accomplished by the learner at minimum supervision.


1.2.21  The contents of the lesson is a combination of multimedia (text, illustration, infographics, tables, charts, graphs, instruction to access video, webcam) for various types of learners.

1.2.22  The sequence of the lesson from the objectives, lesson proper and assessment is continuous within the same lesson.

1.2.23 All the necessary resources needed for one lesson is present and can be accessed.

1.2.24  Questions are provided to check for students understanding when presenting lengthy contents.

1.2.25 The language used is appropriate for the grade level.  

1.2.26  The instructions contained in the lesson communicates clearly to the learner.

1.2.27  The contents are free of errors.

1.2.28  The contents are reviewed and validated before releasing.


Standard 2.  Learning delivery


2.1  Learning delivery online (online pedagogy)


2.1.1  Learners are oriented how to use the LMS.

2.1.2  Learners are provided with instructions how to access the lessons.

2.1.3  Technical support is provided when learners have difficulty accessing the LMS.

2.1.4  Learners are provided with an alternative strategy when they encounter problems with their internet access.

2.1.5  A written set of instructions on using the LMS are provided and can be accessed anytime.

2.1.6  Proper etiquette, behavior, rules, vales, and expectations in online learning is provided to the learners.

Learners needs

2.1.7  The learner is given an opportunity to ask questions about the lesson.

2.1.8  The learner can communicate with the teacher when they need help on the lesson.


2.1.9  The teacher uses various modes to deliver a lesson (i.e. discussion board, webinar, videos)

2.1.10  The teacher provides immediate feedback on learners work.

2.1.11  The learner is contacted when they are having difficulty following the instructions.

2.1.12  The teacher checks the pacing of learners on completing the materials.

2.1.13  The teacher reminds the learners if they are not able to submit the requirements on time.

2.1.14  The teacher provides further resources when learners still need more reteaching.


2.1.15  The teacher motivates the learner to complete the tasks online.

2.1.16  The teacher selects learning materials that is interesting for the learners they handle.


2.1.17  The teacher makes himself/herself available when learners need help.

2.1.18  The teacher provides an official means to contact them when help is needed on the lesson.

2.1.19  The teacher communicates to the parents about the needed assistance to be provided.



2.2  Learning delivery offline


2.1.1  Learners are oriented how to use the modules.

2.1.2  Learners are provided with instructions on the procedure and management of the tasks found in the module.

2.1.3  Learners are provided with an alternative strategy when they encounter problems with sending their completed requirements.

2.1.4  A written set of instructions on using the module are provided and can be accessed anytime.

2.1.5  Proper etiquette, behavior, rules, vales, and expectations in using the module is provided to the learners.

Learners needs

2.1.6  The learner is given a means how to ask questions about the lesson.

2.1.7  The learner can communicate with the teacher when they need help on the lesson.


2.1.8  The teacher uses various modes to deliver a lesson in the module (i.e. accessing media, interaction with others, observations, reporting)

2.1.9  The teacher provides feedback on learners work.

2.1.10  The teacher contacts the learner when are found to have difficulty following the instructions.

2.1.11  The teacher checks the pacing of learners on completing the materials.

2.1.12 The teacher reminds the learners if they are not able to submit the requirements on time.

2.1.13  The teacher provides additional resources when learners still need more reteaching.


2.1.14  The teacher motivates the learner to complete the tasks in the module.

2.1.15  The teacher selects learning materials that is interesting for the learners they handle.


2.1.16  The teacher makes himself/herself available when learners need help.

2.1.17  The teacher provides an official means to contact them when help is needed on the lesson.



Standard 3.  Role of parents/ guardian/tutor 


3.1  Role of parents/ guardian/tutor  in an online platform

Management of learning

3.1.1  Sets a schedule for the learner to study and open the online lesson.

3.1.2  Communicates and implements rules on studying online at home.

3.1.3  Encourages the learner to complete the requirements online.

3.1.4  Makes the learner reflect on the consequences of non compliance.

3.1.5  Constantly checks the learner in completing the requirements.

3.1.6  Ensures that the learner is not engaging in any forms of misbehavior (cheating) when accomplishing summative assessments and quarterly assessments.

3.1.7  Restricts the learner in opening sites with contents not consistent with the schools set of values.

3.1.8  Provides preliminary feedback on the work of the learner before submitting.

3.1.9  Provides a learning environment for the learner to concentrate, read, and study.

3.1.10  Follow and enforce the rules set by the teacher.

3.1.11 Allows the learner to independently accomplish the tasks and requirements.



3.1.11  Assists the learner when they could not operate their devices and open the site.

3.1.12  Provides the necessary learning materials needed by the learner in the lesson.

3.1.13  Refers the learner to other resources when they are unable to answer questions.

3.1.14  Extends the explanation of the contents when the learner is having problems in comprehending it.

3.1.15 Helps the learner unlock some difficult terms encountered.

3.1.16  Attends to the learner when they ask clarifications on instructions.

3.1.17  Provides additional exercises to enhance the skill of the learner on the learning target.

3.1.18 Executes teaching of reading (for beginning readers) as instructed by the teacher.



3.1.19  Communicates with the teacher on the progress of the learner.

3.1.20  Seek strategies from the teacher how to reteach a lesson.

3.1.21  Relays to the teacher the difficulties of the learner in accomplishing tasks.

3.1.22 Updates themselves with the announcement from the school.


3.2  Role of parents/guardian/tutor in an offline mode

Management of learning

3.1.1  Sets a schedule for the learner to study and read the lesson.

3.1.2  Communicates and implements rules on studying at home.

3.1.3  Encourages the learner to complete the requirements in the module.

3.1.4  Makes the learner reflect on the consequences of non compliance.

3.1.5  Constantly checks the learner in completing the requirements.

3.1.6  Ensures that the learner is not engaging in any forms of misbehavior (cheating) when accomplishing summative assessments and quarterly assessments.

3.1.7  Provides preliminary feedback on the work of the learner before submitting.

3.1.8  Provides a learning environment for the learner to concentrate, read, and study.

3.1.9  Follow and enforce the rules set by the teacher.

3.1.10  Allows the learner to independently accomplish the task and requirements.



3.1.11  Provides the necessary learning materials needed by the learner in the lesson.

3.1.12  Refers the learner to other resources when they are unable to answer questions.

3.1.13  Extends the explanation of the contents when the learner is having problems in comprehending it.

3.1.14  Helps the learner unlock some difficult terms encountered.

3.1.15  Attends to the learner when they ask clarifications on instructions.

3.1.16  Provides additional exercises to enhance the skill of the child on the learning target.

3.1.17 Executes teaching of reading (for beginning readers) as instructed by the teacher.



3.1.18  Communicates with the teacher on the progress of the learner.

3.1.19  Seek strategies from the teacher how to reteach a lesson.

3.1.20  Relays to the teacher the difficulties of the child in accomplishing tasks.

3.1.21 Updates themselves with the announcement from the school.


Standard 4.  Monitoring, Assessment, and Evaluation 

Implementing Summative Assessments

4.1  The school disseminates guidelines in the conduct of summative assessment.

4.2  The school provide strategies to avoid cheating and misbehavior during summative assessment.

4.3  Summative assessments are collected and feedback is provided to the learner

4.4  Summative assessments are conducted for each learning target.


Program Evaluation

4.5  Collects data that indicates the effectiveness of the flexible learning delivery (students learning, attitudes, motivation, self-regulation, teacher’s performance, parents feedback, etc.)

4.6  Uses the data to continuously improve the delivery of the flexible learning.

4.7  Reports the findings of the evaluation to teachers and stakeholders and seek for recommendations.

4.8  Continuously update the flexible learning delivery guidelines based on the findings of the evaluation.

4.9  Continuously update the contents of the online lessons/modules based on parents feedback and students reactions.


Performance Appraisal

4.10  Communicates to the teaching faculty expectations on work deliverables.

4.11  Communicates to the teaching faculty and support staff the expected teaching competencies required.

4.12 Performance appraisal needs to include teachers’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge.

4.13 Provides feedback to teachers to constantly improve their performance.

4.14  Faculty development program is designed based on their needs to deliver flexible learning.

4.15  Provides support (i. e resources and means) to teachers to deliver effectively flexible learning.



Use of the Standards


The standards set in this report serves as a set guideline on preparations needed to implement flexible learning modes. The indicators can be used as benchmarks on quality assurance. Furthermore, the indicators can be used as framework to assess and evaluate the effective delivery of flexible learning modes.

Figure 1 quadrants FLD.png
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