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Online Assessment

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Online Admission Test

Schools can continue with their admission exams by using our online platform. Achievement and aptitude tests are available as part of the admission test. Schools can customize the contents of the achievement test to their needed subject areas. The online admission test is available for the following levels:
  • Incoming grade 4 to grade 12
  • Incoming college
  • Graduate programs
We offer the test for unlimited use with a fixed amount. Message us at or 09176070823.
Take the sample online admission test. Click the button below.
Sample results in the admission test. Click the button below.

Online Formative Assessment

The formative assessment  is anchored on the idea of assessment “for” and “as” learning where assessment results are used to improve teaching and the learning process. The information gathered from the assessment exercises can be used by the student to make specific improvement in their learning. The student becomes aware in what they can do and cannot do as they go through the exercises while the teacher monitors their performance.
This formative assessment for each subject and grade level uses technology integration in learning. Students benefit much when information is mediated by technology. The assessment provides illustrations and text to support the idea of  variety of assessment tasks.
The Formative Assessment is anchored on the ASCD model containing four phases that involves where the student is going (target competency), the current status of the student (results of assessment), how is the student now (feedback), and where is the student going next (mastery learning). Each exercise is aligned with the K to 12 curriculum of the DepEd for English, mathematics, science, Filipino, and social studies learning areas. Each set of exercises starts with the competency. The competency indicates the standard that the learner needs to attain. Starting the exercise with a competency makes the learner aware of what they need to learn and achieve. There are three sets of exercise provided to the student per competency. The student’s current learning status is diagnosed at the initial set of exercise and feedback is provided per item and as a whole for the set. The students are marked either as beginner, proficient, and competent. Numerous exercises are provided to help the student master the competency.
Click the button below to try the grade 3 Math formative assessment.
To avail of the package, message us at or 09176070823.

Online Critical Thinking Test

Critical thinking is the ability to recognize the existence of problems and an acceptance of the general need for evidence in support of what is asserted to be true, and knowledge of the nature of valid inferences, abstractions, and generalizations in which the weight or accuracy of different kinds of evidence are logically determined (Magno, 2010).
The critical thinking thinking test measures deduction and inference:
  • Inference - Ability to discriminate among degrees of truth or falsity of inferences drawn from given data.
  • Deduction - Ability to reason deductively from given statements or premises; to recognize the relation of implication between propositions; to determine whether what may seem to be an implication of necessary implication or necessary interference from given premises.
Click the link below to try our online Critical Thinking Test:
To avail of the package, message us at or 09176070823.

Numerical Reasoning Test

Numerical reasoning is one of the factors of our general scholastic assessment. It determines the ability to solve word problems, compute, and logical reasoning. Click the link below to try our online Numerical Reasoning Test:
To avail of the package, message us at or 09176070823.

Online Career Interest Inventory

This short version of interest inventory determines five areas of interest: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, and Conventional. The following are the uses of the results of interest inventory:
  • Guide students in selecting their tracks for SHS
  • Assist students to determine their career interest for career guidance
  • Determine the appropriate course of program for college
  • Help learners become aware of their related-job interest
Try the short version by clicking the button:
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