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Products & Services


Become frontiers in developing tools and materials that will enhance the industry’s productivity and students’ learning;

  • Resource for Educational Assessment Dynamics-Industry (READ-I)

  • College Readiness Assessment (For Grade 10 or firrst year collge)

  • Senior HIgh School Placement Test (For grade 10 or 11)

  • K to 12 Learning Assessment Package (For K to 12)

  • Organize conferences for teachers, students, and other professionals

  • Conduct seminars for teachers, students, and other professionals

  • Hold review/coaching sessions for LET, Psychometrician, Psychology Board Exam

       takers, DCAT, UPCAT, ACET 

  • Conduct organizational analysis for schools, industries, and other organizations

  • Develop programs for schools, industries, and other organization

  • Program Evaluation

  • Curriculum Development

  • Test Construction (i.e. entrance tests) 

  • Maintain an international journal for teachers, and other researchers who subscribes to the tests and products of the company who wants to publish their researches.

  • Engage in community building by expanding and publishing research

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