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Learning Recovery Plan

This brief report focuses on the status of learners in the Philippines due to the changes in the learning modalities and school closure, models on accelerating instruction through the learning recovery plan, and the impact of activities included in the learning recovery. The learners’ academic status is reported during the pandemic using a wide range of sample of K to 10 learners in the Philippines. The learning recovery plan initiated by other organizations are explained and its intention to address the learning loss. Different learning recover models are presented and the models used in the Philippines. The impact of the specific actions on learning recovery are reported.

The report distinguishes learning loss and learning gap conceptually and statistically. Data from large scale assessment on fundamentals skills involving literacy, numeracy, and Social and Emotional Learning are used to demonstrate the difference between learning loss and gap.

Assessment of Literacy and Numeracy to detect learning loss

The learning recovery plan starts with assessing fundamental skills such as the literacy and numeracy in the early grades. Detecting learners who have not developed the full range of reading and numeracy skills are provided with appropriate programs.


Social and Emotional Learning as part of the learning recovery.

Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which individuals acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions (The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning, 2005). The Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is integrated in the instruction of literacy and numeracy to foster an environment with positive conditions for learning to occur better. Extensive research confirms that SEL competencies: can be taught, that they promote positive development and reduce problem behaviors, and that they improve students' academic achievement and citizenship.

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Rapid Literacy and Numeracy Assessment

To assess the learning gaps among learners in the Schools , the Rapid Literacy, Numeracy and SEL Assessment can be administered. The results of the assessment will be used (1) as basis for the direction and scope of the learning recovery plan, (2) to identify basic skills that needs to be included in the catch-up curricular programs for learners, (3) design appropriate literacy and numeracy interventions for the weak skills found for each learner, and (4) integrate SEL competencies in the delivery of instruction. The set of intervention and programs needs to be in place for the learners in order to facilitate higher learning to access study and reading materials for the other learning areas, and eventually develop 21C skills.

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